business and industry








clothing/shoe factory






steam house


The King's Head



The King's Head used to stand on Church Street. A pub is listed on Church Street in the 1841 Census, 1854 Post Office Directory and 1881 Census. It would appear that the Kings Head had closed by 1898 as there are no listings on or after this date.


The archway to the left of the building still exists, which would have allowed horse drawn carriages through into the courtyard behind the pub. Between the archway and the pub stood the village Reading Room. There was a hatch in the wall between the Reading Room and the pub which can still be seen today. Rumour has it that the ladies of the village weren't allowed in the pub, so used to go into the Reading Room and have drinks passed to them through the hatch!



1841  Census - John Peake *

1854  Post Office Directory - John Barwell

1870s Kelly's Directory - John Shaw

1876 Harrod & Co Directory - J Shaw

1881  Census - John and Rachel Shaw

* Pubs listed in the relevant locations, but only street names given (not pub names), so we can't be 100% certain.

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