people and work












war time


the militia


customs & legends


poor laws



Cottingham football club

Women's Institute

Wesley Guild

Cottingham Wesleyan brass band

'Round in the Wagons!'

village fetes

Scouts/youth clubs

reading room

Oddfellows' Hall



Oddfellows Hall

Extract from Kelly's Directory 1903

The 1903 and 1906 Kelly's Directories list an Oddfellows Hall in Cottingham. In 1903, the secretary was Henry Blissett and in 1906 William Baker.

The Oddfellows Hall would have been a public hall providing a meeting place for the villagers.

The Oddfellows Society dates back as far as 1730, but it was actually an illegal organisation during much of the 18th Century. At a time when there was no welfare state, no NHS and no trade unions, the society was established to look after its members as and when they needed help, but it was viewed by government and politicians as a potential hotbed of revolt.

It is thought that the term ‘Oddfellows’ evolved from a description of members of a guild from a variety of trades.

The Oddfellows were legalised in 1850, and are still going strong today. See